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March 31st, 2022 at 5pm

Nature-Based Medicine: Are You As Naturally Awesome As You Can Be?

John La Puma, MD, FACP  |  Co-Founder ChefMD®  |  Founder

93% of our time is spent in buildings or vehicles, and 79% of U.S. adults rarely or never smell wildflowers. Did you know nature can help you have less pain during hospitalization, or that nature VR can do the same if you're getting a vaccination and don't like needles? Do you have nature deficit disorder, and if so, how long and where should you be outside to cure it? What can you grow in your garden that is easiest and most anti-inflammatory? How do you make nature part of your daily life, and feel more focused, calm and awesome? 

This lecture will cite and review some of the evidence for nature-based interventions for the prevention and treatment of both mental and physical health disorders. We will review types of nature based interventions, identifying both a research agenda and the health benefits to particular interventions, including bringing the outside in. 

March 31st, 2022 at 5pm

Nature-Based Medicine: Are You As Naturally Awesome As You Can Be?

John La Puma, MD, FACP  |  Co-Founder ChefMD®  |  Founder

93% of our time is spent in buildings or vehicles, and 79% of U.S. adults rarely or never smell wildflowers. Did you know nature can help you have less pain during hospitalization, or that nature VR can do the same if you're getting a vaccination and don't like needles? Do you have nature deficit disorder, and if so, how long and where should you be outside to cure it? What can you grow in your garden that is easiest and most anti-inflammatory? How do you make nature part of your daily life, and feel more focused, calm and awesome? 

This lecture will cite and review some of the evidence for nature-based interventions for the prevention and treatment of both mental and physical health disorders. We will review types of nature based interventions, identifying both a research agenda and the health benefits to particular interventions, including bringing the outside in. 

In April 2021, we organized a virtual 5k, called the "Plant-Based Fun Race" that raised money for The Revere MGH Food Pantry, the only plant-based food pantry in the Boston area. Approximately 35 students ran and raised $840. In addition to providing nutritional support to patients with chronic health conditions at the food pantry, our efforts raised awareness about lifestyle medicine and connected our community through physical activity during an otherwise isolating time of the pandemic.

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